The barn has a sound limiter installed, as do most modern venues, which is a pre-requisite of our Entertainment License.  It is set to 110 decibels (most venues in built up areas are set to 90dB) and operates a traffic light system with a light on one of the main beams indicating to performers their sound level. Green means they are performing safely within their limit. Amber warns them that they are very close to the limit. Red indicates that they have three seconds to reduce their sound level before it will cut their power supply.

When choosing your suppliers please bear in mind that performing at a wedding or private event is unlike a gig as many guests like to mingle and catch up with one another. If sound limits are too high it presents a dangerous environment for our staff and actually deters guests from joining in the atmosphere inside the barn preferring to remain on the terrace or to leave earlier than they may have planned.

We advise all performers to get in touch with us prior the date of the event and welcome them for a sound-check to ensure they can manage their levels accordingly.