We always knew that yesterday’s wedding would be like no other as Brown Rouse became Mr & Mrs Rouse. It didn’t disappoint on any level! A unicorn is something highly desirable but difficult to find – this couple and their wedding are that!
Lynsey took on the huge task of crafting every conceivable detail which were all absolutely stunning and the team were in awe of the results. We pity the photographer having to capture all those details but James knew he was off the hook on this one 😉
Two great families came together with an extended Southwood family cheering them along. Holly Riggs Photography was ably supported by Ross Harvey Photography. Sugarfish Productions were on hand to capture Helen Ashton and the cake from Sassas-Cakes was given centre stage as James decided cake needed to be given more prominence to reflect its importance in his life. Mya has obviously been training with Daddy as her cake cutting skills are superb! We always aim to deliver great service but bribing the biggest team Southwood have ever fielded with cake at the start of the day works really well 🙂
A day of Southwood firsts but we hope not lasts. The first time James Rouse arrived on time! Our first Grooms arrival with boys, Land rovers and unicorns that could only possibly be upstaged by the most beautiful bridal party and two very special ladies. Our first Duo Ceremony, first outside dining room and first outside first dance lit magically by candlelight. Something tells us that this collaboration may well produce the most stunning record of memories ever!
A day in the crazy lives of Lynsey and James, a special day full of tears and laughter. The most spectacular sunshine to start your bright and sunny marriage. We have loved being allowed to be part of such an important day. X
Photo credit: Ross Harvey Photography